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Coxy's Christmas Message 2021

Luke 2v21-38

24th December 2021

Soon after Jesus was born, his parents presented Him before God in the temple in Jerusalem. When they got there, a righteous and devout Jewish man named Simeon took Jesus in his arms, and said:

Luke 2:29-32
"Sovereign Lord, as you have promised, you now let your servant depart in peace, according to your word; for my eyes have seen your salvation which you have prepared in the sight of all people, a light for revelation to the Gentiles, and for glory to your people Israel."

Simeon understood that Jesus was the light of the world, come to bring salvation to all nations. He then told Mary:

Luke 2:34b-35
"This child is destined to cause the falling and rising of many in Israel, and to be a sign that will be spoken against, so that the thoughts of many hearts will be revealed. And a sword will pierce your own soul too."

Simeon understood that how we respond to the story of Jesus has consequences. And he understood that one day Jesus would be crucified for us.

At that moment, an 84-year-old prophetess called Anna came up to them, and:

Luke 2:38b
"gave thanks to God and spoke about the child to all who were looking forward to the redemption of Jerusalem."

Although she hadn't left the temple in years, or perhaps because she hadn't, Anna understood who Jesus truly was.

But do we understand?

We all know the Christmas story so well, there's nothing new to say. The important thing is not to look for some new, clever way to interpret the story. But there is a lot that's old that's worth saying. The truth about Jesus has been known for 2,000 years. Some might try to say that the Good News of Jesus's birth is a bit old-fashioned. But the truth can never be old-fashioned. It can never be modern. Truth is truth, eternally.

Jesus is the Son of God, come to earth to share our humanity, to experience our earthly joys and sorrows, to show us the nature of God, to teach us, and to give Himself as a sacrifice for us. This truth will never change. It will never become unimportant. It's exactly as important for you and for me as it was for Mary, or Luke, or St Paul. Jesus offers to save us from the darkness of our hearts and our lives. Do you understand it? Nothing is more important.

This Christmas, may you and I discover, or rediscover, the wonder, the awe, the reverence that's due at the incarnation of the Son of God. When God the Son, the second Person of the Holy Trinity, came to earth in human form, the shepherds were amazed. I suspect the angels were amazed. The wise men were amazed. Mary and Joseph were amazed. The first time I realised this story was true, I was amazed. And I still am. I hope you are. It will do you good.

The almighty, transcendent, pure God wants to be with us. He doesn't mind lying in a feeding trough in a stable. He doesn't mind poverty. These things are unimportant to God. What is important to God is YOU. This is so wonderful that most people can't believe it. God wants YOU. God was willing to live on earth, and die on a cross, because he wants YOU. If you believe this, He will forgive all your bad deeds and bad thoughts. He will fill you with His Holy Spirit. He will receive you into his family, and never let you go. One day, He will receive you into heaven to be with Him for ever.

This Christmas, please take some time away from the mince pies and the tinsel and the tree and the presents and the television, and sit, silently, for a few minutes. And maybe read Luke Chapter 2, slowly. And remember the incarnation of the Son of God, Jesus the Messiah. And sense His love. And rediscover the awe. And worship him quietly, on your own. Thank God for giving Jesus to you, and give yourself back to God in gratitude, awe and worship. And know His peace.

God is with you. Take time to notice.

I've written a sortofpoem. I hope you like it:

There is a Star

There's a star in the sky
Though the night is dark.
There are angels on the hillside
Though the loneliness is deep.
There's a babe in the manger
The King of the universe.
There is light in the world
Come down from heaven.
There is good will toward men
Virgins and carpenters,
and all who will receive God.
There are shepherds come to worship.
There are wise men come to sacrifice.
There is beauty in the stable.
There is love in the darkness. There is forgiveness.
There is hope.
There is a family you can join.
There is truth.
There is meaning.
God is with us.

May you find God's peace this Christmas.