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Is God's Testimony in Your Heart?

1 John 5v10a

27th October 2023

Last week, we studied 6-9 of this chapter, which finish with these words:

1 John 5v7-9
... there are three that testify: the Spirit, the water and the blood; and the three are in agreement. We accept man's testimony, but God's testimony is greater because it is the testimony of God, which he has given about his Son.

We saw that through the Holy Spirit, through the Baptism of Jesus, and through His Crucifixion and Resurrection, God testifies to the true nature of Jesus Christ as the unique Son of God, the second person of the Holy Trinity, come in the flesh. John now says:

1 John 5v10a
Anyone who believes in the Son of God has this testimony in his heart.

Throughout this letter, John has been distinguishing between true Christians and false Christians, whom he calls “antichrists” because they and their churches teach a false Gospel, and so do more harm than good. He reinforces this difference between true and false Christians now, saying that every true Christian - "anyone who believes in the Son of God" - believes in his heart that the Holy Spirit is given to every believer, and speaks to him, believes that Jesus Christ – God – was baptised in water, and believes that Jesus Christ – God – was crucified, died and rose again. For the true Christian, these are not just theoretical beliefs; they're heart-felt convictions.

Are they your convictions? Is God's testimony in your heart?

If you have no experience of the Holy Spirit comforting, guiding and teaching you, you're not a true Christian. If you don't believe in your heart that Jesus Christ is God come in the flesh – Emmanuel – then you're not a true Christian. If you don't believe that God in the flesh died on the cross to pay for your sins, you're not a true Christian. You've never been re-born as a child of God. But if you do truly believe these things, and if you have repented of you sin, then you are a true Christian. You're saved for all eternity.

This is wonderful news for every true Christian. The world hates you. Satan and the demons hate you. You may have huge problems in life. You may live through sickness or depression. You may be persecuted at work. Your faith may be ridiculed or resented at home. You may have major theological questions about evolution, or judgement, or something else. You may feel unloved by your church, although I really, really hope not. You may feel unworthy of God's love, but God loves you anyway. If you believe God's testimony about Jesus, as given through the Holy Spirit and Jesus's life, baptism and death on the cross, then you are a true Christian, a true child of God, destined for glory. No matter how painful and difficult life is for you on earth, a blissful eternity is waiting for you.

And It's also wonderful news for anybody who tries to follow God but finds church, and prayer, and worship, and Bible study a bit empty, a bit boring, who likes the idea of a personal relationship with God, but doesn't feel like he has one. If that's you, here's the good news for you. Real Christianity is far, far more enjoyable, exciting, fulfilling, and real than what you're experiencing now. Going to church, praying, worshipping and Bible study, and all the rest of the Christian life, is all very dutiful and good, but it's dead, until you come to truly believe God's testimony about Jesus. Them it can all come wonderfully, vibrantly alive!

So if you think Christianity is a good thing, but it all feels so dull and unhelpful for you personally, then please, please, examine your belief system. Can you truly believe the Jesus is God in the flesh? Can you truly believe that He lived a sinless life? Can you truly believe that His crucifixion paid the penalty for all the bad thoughts, words and deeds in your life? Can you truly believe that Jesus rose from the dead and conquered sin and death so you can life for ever? Then, I urge you, choose now – now – to put your faith in Him.

Don't rely on your own wisdom, your own goodness, you own efforts to be a good person. Put all your faith in the God who died for you. Lay down any intellectual objections and questions, and just believe that Jesus loves you, loves you enough to die in your place. And know the joy that comes from relinquishing all your worries, all your insecurities, all your doubts, to Jesus Christ the Incarnate God. And experience God's love, peace and amazing joy for your, given to you through the Holy Spirit He wants to place inside you.

Will you let God put His testimony in your heart?