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1 John 5v4b-5

12th October 2023

In the first part of 1 John 5v4, John wrote that, "everyone born of God overcomes the world". He now says:

1 John 5v4b
This is the victory that has overcome the world, even our faith.

What does victory look like to you? The world sees victory as smashing an opponent and then gloating about it. Americans talk about "bragging rights". The one-time world chess champion Bobby Fisher once described the pleasure of playing chess as "that sublime moment when the other man's ego cracks". But Christian victory is not about hurting others; it's about peace, righteousness and love. Jesus achieved victory by dying. Romans 12v21 tells us to "overcome evil with good". The only way to overcome hatred is with love. The only way to overcome unkindness is with kindness. The only way to overcome indifference is with passion. The only way to overcome filth is with purity.

And you have a victory that has overcome the world.

As we saw earlier in this series, when John says "the world" he means that system of power and thought that stands against the kingdom of God: all the hatred, all the dirtiness, the desire to hurt and control others, all the selfishness, all the complaining, whining, lazy, critical, proud, greedy attitudes that Satan loves and God hates. The world, in this sense, is populated by people, but it's controlled by the devil and the demons. One of the greatest successes they've had in the world is that they've persuaded most people that they don't exist, but they do, and they're as malevolent as ever.

Jesus triumphed over the world, the devil and the demons when He made the perfect sacrifice of his own body and blood, his own life, on the cross, and then rose from the dead three days later.

Colossians 2v13-15
When you were dead in your sins and in the uncircumcision of your flesh, God made you alive with Christ. He forgave us all our sins, having cancelled the charge of our legal indebtedness, which stood against us and condemned us; he has taken it away, nailing it to the cross. And having disarmed the powers and authorities, he made a public spectacle of them, triumphing over them by the cross.

Jesus Christ has triumphed over the demonic powers and authorities who control the world, and thus He has triumphed over the world itself. The forces of evil are defeated. They still struggle with us, but they've lost, and they know they've lost, and one day they'll be thrown into the lake of fire for all eternity.

And if you've believed in Jesus's atoning sacrifice on the cross, then you've triumphed over the world, and over the demons who control the world. This saving faith is the victory that has overcome the world.

You don't have to do what the world says any more. You don't have to think what the world wants you to think. You don't have to want what the world wants you to want. You're no longer under the world's control. You we once a slave to sin, but now you're free to serve God and His righteousness.

Of course, you can choose to hold on to worldly ideas, live a worldly life, seek worldly rewards, hold onto your pride and selfishness and materialism, but now you're free to choose a better life, a life free from all that rubbish.

You're not free because you've got wonderful self-control; you're free because God has given you saving faith in the redeeming sacrifice of Jesus on the cross. Jesus said:

John 8v36
...if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed.

You have overcome the world. This is a free gift from God. But how much you choose to live as if you were still a slave to sin and fear and pride, a subject of the kingdom of darkness, is up to you.

Romans 12v2
Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.

Think like a free man. Live like a free man. Believe what God says, not what the world says. The world is so boring, so polluted, so opposed to all that is good and pure and peaceful and true. Don't be deceived by it. Don't conform to it.

Don't be swept up in the fashionable ideas of this generation. The world wants to redefine what is right and what is wrong every few years. The world discards the heroes of just a few years ago, because they don't conform to whatever the new orthodoxy is. It does this because it's looking for new ways to oppose God. Romans 1v18-30 talks about "men who suppress the truth by their wickedness". Verse 30 of that passage says "they invent ways of doing evil". We've witnessed that in British society.

The written word of God is perfect and eternal. Let's be clear: whatever political or social ideas disagree with the Bible are wrong.

John continues:

1 John 5v5
Who is it that overcomes the world? Only he who believes that Jesus is the Son of God.

Many people rather like living a worldly life. Many others would love to be free of it – from what used to be called "the rat race", where they're always striving for more money, more things, more holidays, more power, more respect from others. Maybe you can leave your job and buy a cottage in the countryside somewhere. Maybe you can take up beekeeping or birdwatching or golf. Your circumstances may become less stressful and competitive. But your heart will remain selfish and proud and dirty until you accept Jesus as your Lord and Saviour. Then you can overcome the world.

The question that can determine the nature of both your life on earth and your life for eternity after you leave this earth is: do you believe that Jesus is the Son of God? If you believe this, you have power to overcome the world. So do you truly believe it?

There'll probably remain some selfishness, pride and filth for many years after you start following Jesus, maybe until the day you die, but from the moment you accept Jesus, you're free not to be dominated by worldly values, ideas and desires. You're no longer a slave, but perhaps you're still choosing to live like one. How sad it is when a free man chooses to live like a prisoner.