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Lazarus, Part 10 - The Power of Testimony

John 12v9-11, 17-18

30th December 2022

Our last study of the story of the raising of Lazarus concerns the effect that this wonderful miracle had on other people. John refers to it twice in Chapter 12 of his Gospel. Firstly, he writes:

John 12v9-11
Meanwhile a large crowd of Jews found out that Jesus was there and came, not only because of him but also to see Lazarus, whom he had raised from the dead. So the chief priests made plans to kill Lazarus as well, for on account of him many of the Jews were going over to Jesus and believing in him.

We read in verses 1-8 of this chapter that, some time after raising Lazarus from the dead, Jesus returned to Bethany. That was the famous occasion when Lazarus, Martha and Mary hosted a dinner in His honour and, after dinner, Mary poured a jar of very expensive perfume, worth a year's wages, over Jesus's feet. At that time, a large crowd of Jewish people came to see Jesus. They also came to see Lazarus.

Lazarus had become something of a celebrity. It's not every day that you get a chance to talk to somebody who's been dead and has come back to life. What a wonderful, powerful story Lazarus had to tell! And John tells us that "on account of him many of the Jews were going over to Jesus and believing in him".

This is the power of what many Christians call "testimony". Just as the witnesses in a criminal court case are required to testify as to what they've seen regarding the case at issue, Lazarus testified to what Jesus had done for him, and people came to believe in Jesus by hearing Lazarus tell his story.

You may think that your story is less dramatic that Lazarus's and that telling your story would have a less profound effect on people. But your story is more profound, more dramatic, more miraculous, than his. Lazarus was raised from physical death to physical life. Every Christian has been raised from spiritual death to spiritual life. Lazarus's resurrection was temporary – he died again and was buried again. Every Christian's resurrection is eternal. We will reign with Him in glory for ever. Lazarus had the immense joy and privilege of being Jesus's friend. We have Jesus's Holy Spirit living within us. If you have been saved by grace, forgiven your sins, raised from spiritual death, then your testimony can help other people to find saving faith in Jesus.

So long as you do what witnesses in a criminal trial promise to do, and tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, your testimony is powerful. You know what Jesus had done for you, and no-one can take it away from you. You know what life was like before Jesus saved you. You know what works of grace He's done in your heart and in your life. You know what a difference He's made. This is your story, and no-one can deny it.

But there is a cost. Lazarus's story of how Jesus intervened powerfully for him and his sisters so alarmed the chief priests, the Jewish religious leaders, that they made plans to kill him. For the first time since John the Baptist (I think) the powerful people in Judea sought to kill not only Jesus but also one of His followers.

Lazarus was persecuted for testifying to the truth. Of course, if you want a quite life with no arguments, no opposition, no trouble or persecution, then you have the option to keep quiet, to refuse to testify on Christ's behalf. But what a difference you can make if you refuse the easy, safe option, and speak boldly – but gently and respectfully – about the One who died in your place, and rose again so you could share in His eternal life.

The last time the Bible speaks about Lazarus occurs after Jesus's triumphal entry into Jerusalem:

John 12v17-18
Now the crowd that was with him when he called Lazarus from the tomb and raised him from the dead continued to spread the word. Many people, because they had heard that he had performed this sign, went out to meet him.

Stories about Jesus, about who He is and what He did, are powerful and effective. That's why Matthew, Mark, Luke and John wrote their Gospels. But you have a story to tell, too. Hearing stories about Jesus has changed your life, and your story can change the lives of those around you, if you will tell them.

I write this on the day before New year's Eve. It's traditional to make some resolutions at this time of year. Perhaps we could resolve to tell more people more of our story of what Christ has done for us.