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Victorious Prayer

27th January 2023

Two weeks ago, I wrote about how vitally important prayer is. Last week, I went on to write about the reality of the spiritual warfare, in which the powers of darkness will do anything they can to persuade us not to pray. But every Christian can have a beautiful and victorious prayer life. Today, I'd like to talk about some of the lessons I've learnt over the years about winning this battle. I hope you find some of them helpful. They're in no particular order.

God loves it when we pray, and He also loves it when we try to pray, even when we can't settle down, can't find any words, can't concentrate. So understand that trying to pray is prayer. God loves seeing us try to pray.

When you stop to pray, and you can't settle your mind or body, can't find peace, decide to stay in an attitude of prayer, even if your mind is racing. The reason your mind is racing is probably because the powers of darkness are pouring thoughts into your mind to discourage you from praying. Face the enemy. Just sit still and wait. They will eventually give up and leave you alone. As Ephesians Chapter 6 says, "take your stand against the devil's schemes... stand your ground, stand... stand firm". Don't just do something; stand there. This can be very difficult but the more you do it the easier it becomes.

Prayer is as much about listening to God as it is about talking to God. So it's OK to be silent in His presence. More than that, it's essential. So understand that silent prayer is a beautiful thing. Treasure it, enjoy it, and never feel guilty about it.

To be silent before God, and to be silent when the enemy won't leave you alone, it will help enormously if you practice being silent even when you're not trying to pray. Don't have the TV or the radio or music playing all the time. When you drive your car, sometimes do it in silence. Go for a walk. Tend your garden (if you have one). Read a book. Learn to love quietness.

Repent of everything you can think of. Unrepented sin hinders prayer, of course.

Spend some of your prayer time reading the Bible. It's the best way to hear the word of God.

Remember that a prayer time is not just about asking God for stuff, and it's not just about apologising. Use some of your prayer time in worshipping God. Tell God you stand in wonder at His glorious character and marvellous deeds. And it's good to sing to our wonderful heavenly Father.

At the start of your prayer time, Ask God to send the Holy Spirit to help you pray.

Ask God to fill you with the Holy Spirit.

If you want to use words, but can't think of any, Pray the Lords Prayer, but try to say it slowly, thinking about the words.

If you've been given the gift of tongues, don't neglect it; use it.

Keep going. Just like running or playing a sport, or using a skill, the more you do it, the better you get. A Christian who has neglected his prayer life is like a person who has neglected physical exercise. When we start again, it can be difficult, painful and discouraging. If we persevere, we slowly get fitter, until prayer - or exercise - becomes a joy. And if the powers of darkness see they're not going to stop us praying, they give up and go off to do something else.

I hope these ideas help. I'm sure there are many others, but these have been of great benefit to me. God bless you as you seek a deeper prayer life.

Ephesians 6v18
And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests...